Chapter 11:  John Skene

Pastor and Governor of West New Jersey

A Leading Advocate for Aberdeen's Quakers John like his father Alexander

Skene "Contended for the Gospel of Jesus Christ - for which he was

imprisoned - and upon the threat of death fled to America



Historical documentation bears witness that John Skene fled Scotland and immigrated to America because of religious persecution.  At William Penn's encouragement John immigrated to Burlington, New Jersey where as Governor of West New Jersey John helped establish a Quaker community. 


And, Matthew 10:23 gives the "Spiritual" reason as to why John Skene would have left his native Scotland and immigrated to Burlington, New Jersey: 


Matthew 10:23 23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another:


To flee doesn't mean that John Skene left Scotland because he was a coward - quite the contrary -  history bears witness that John Skene like his father and mother was a man of courage during the period of time he was persecuted.  But in fleeing Scotland John Skene, a Quaker Preacher, could further the gospel in Colonial America according to Quaker beliefs.


By fleeing, John Skene deprived both the unjust Magistrates and the Presbyterian Preachers of their evil design against him ever again.  And, fleeing gave John the opportunity to convey the truth of Quakerism to others in a new country.  If John Skene stayed in Scotland and was either killed or continued to be persecuted he could not help the local flock in Aberdeen or help start a new generation of Quakers in America. 


How blessed I am that like his father, John also "Contended for the Gospel of Jesus Christ" and like his father was imprisoned in the Tolbooth of Aberdeen where he was a prisoner for the "True Liberty of all Christians"!

The "Book of Skene" is also a fulfillment of God's promise in both Psalm 48:14 and Psalm 128:6


Psalm 48:13:  As Matthew Henry stated in his commentary on verse 14 of Psalm 48: “Let us triumph in God, and in the assurances we have of His everlasting lovingkindness. Tell this to the generation following; transmit this truth as a sacred deposit to your posterity, That this God, who has now done such great things for us, is our God forever and ever; He is constant and unchangeable in His love to us and care for us.


Like his father Alexander, John Skene's testimony unto the Lord has been and will continue to be kept alive by his offspring.


Psalm 128 6 Indeed, may you see your [family perpetuated in your] children’s children.  Peace be upon Israel!  Amplified


Psalm 128 reveals that the man like my Scottish Forefathers who had a reverential fear of the Lord and walked in His ways that both he and his offspring will be blessed and that his family name will be kept alive by his offspring.


Psalm 128 Blessed [happy and sheltered by God’s favor] is everyone who fears the Lord [and worships Him with obedience], Who walks in His ways and lives according to His commandments.  2 For you shall eat the fruit of [the labor of] your hands, You will be happy and blessed and it will be well with you.  3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine
Within the innermost part of your house; Your children will be like olive plants Around your table.  4 Behold, for so shall the man be blessed and divinely favored Who fears the Lord [and worships Him with obedience].  5May the Lord bless you from Zion [His holy mountain], And may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life; 6 Indeed, may you see your [family perpetuated in your] children’s children.  Peace be upon Israel!  [This particular translation of Psalm 128 is from Amplified's updated version of 2015]


Let this "Book of Skene" that gives an account of the Spiritual Legacy of our Scottish Forebears Alexander and Lillias Skeens be Recorded for Future Generations, so that a People not yet Born will Praise the LORD.  Psalm 102:18


To all my spiritual sons and daughters, beloved of God, who have been called to serve the Lord,  a generation may pass away - but their Testimony unto the Lord remains forever.  The Testimonies of our Scottish Forebears, my Testimony and the Testimony of your generation and the testimonies of those yet to be born - we each have our own story and chapter to contribute to "The Book of Skene" and together we shall compose a volume that truly honors God the Father and Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.


The "Book of Skene" that tells each new generation of God's mighty acts and faithfulness is truly a "Living Book - it is truly a Book with no Ending". 


When reading Psalm 128 I am so blessed to know that Alexander's son John who this chapter is dedicated to can be likened to the sons of the Psalmist who speaks of the blessings of a righteous man's son.  


Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of Sons

They shall not be Ashamed, but they shall speak with their Enemies in the Gate


And, John Skene was such a son who alongside Alexander stood in the Gateway of the Enemy for a Just Cause - to contend for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the liberty of all Believers.


Psalm 127:1-5 1 Except Jehovah build the house, They labor in vain that build it: Except Jehovah keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain. 2 It is vain for you to rise up early, To take rest late, To eat the bread of toil; For so he giveth unto his beloved sleep. 3 Lo, children are a heritage of Jehovah; And the fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, So are the children of youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: They shall not be put to shame, When they speak with their enemies in the gate. (ASV)

Psalm 127 speaks of "The Virtue of God's Blessing" for a righteous man.  And, the next several pages speak of Alexander's son "John Skene".  How blessed Alexander was to have a son like John Skene who like his father was willing to contend for the faith even if it meant going to prison and eventually being told to leave Scotland otherwise he may die.  Just as verse 5 reveals John was not put to shame when he spoke with his enemies in the gate - the Magistrates of Aberdeen that sent he and his father to prison.  John was not put to shame because he stood up for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Biblicaly speaking “The gate” was the place where judgment was given, and where adversaries would gather to meet, as they pushed their respective causes. Such was the case with both Alexander's son John who met their enemies in the "Gates" courtroom of Aberdeen as well as his wife who confronted the Magistrates of Aberdeen who falsely imprisoned her husband, son and son-in-law.


John left Scotland and brought the Gospel to America where he stood in another gateway of authority.  As a man of Authority - John stood in the Gates of West New Jersey as their Governor and by all accounts accomplished much for the Kingdom of God.


The following pages are from various publications that give us an insight into the remarkable life and chacter of John Skene who helped to establish the Gospel of Jesus Christ in what is now known as America.


Beginning with "The Governors of New Jersey" Biographical Essays" and "The Hiftory of Pennfylvania, in North America" the following pages speak of John's character and reveal when planning for the new colonies in what is now known as America - William Penn recommended John Skene for the post of Governor of New Jersey.



On the following page (37) the author reveals that it was William Penn who recommended John Skene as Governor of West New Jersey


Note that William Penn recommended John Skene.




Note that the author's account of John Skene (also spelled Skein) says it all!


The above is a testimony to John Skene's character.  He was a person of great service and integrity, both in his religious and civil conduct.  That he was Governor of West Jersey for two years.  And, that John Skene, a Quaker "Preacher", had suffered much for his religion while living in Scotland and that John had "Distinquished himself for its cause".



Note that Helen Skene, a woman of worthy and eminent character was John Skene's wife.



The following pages are from the second volume of "The Papers of William Penn"






In Note 3 above, "WP" is a reference to William Penn.  According to this reference, John met with William Penn in London.




In Note 4 above, John Skene was Governor of West New Jersey as well as the NJ Assembly & Council.


John Skene's home he called Peachfield



According to the following 4 page document issued by the "United States Departmnet of the Interior" John Skene's" home that he built and called "Peachfield" was placed on the "National Register of Historic Places".  John's wife Helen sold the property to Henry Burr and remained in the Burr family for over 201 years.  Peachtree was eventually bequeated Peachfield to the Historic Society.








John Skene

Was he really the First Freemason that came to America (?)
or did Aberdeen Lodge No. 1 add John Skene's name to their roster for "the glory of their lodge".


John Skene was counted among those who left Scotland that brought the "true" Gospel of Jesus Christ to America where he became Governor of what is now New Jersey.


However- John was not the one who introduced the pagan practices of Freemasonry to America!


John Skene, claimed by some, was America's first Freemason.  And the Freemasons even erected a memorial to that effect.  On the other hand, - by all accounts they all acknowledge that there is no record that John Skene ever met with other Freemasons or participated in any Masonic work - because he didn't!


And, more importantly, William Forbes Skene nor any Quaker historian here or in America ever claim that Freemasonry was one of John's many, many accomplishments. 


Experts on the history of Freemasonry admit it’s a mystery when it comes to John Skene because as a Quaker John would have been opposed to the secret rituals of Freemasonry and the oaths Freemasons were required to take.   However, its really isn't a mystery at all.  Keep reading!



The following three articles give insight into John Skene and Freemasonry.  And, all three articles gives us pause to ask ourselves "was John Skene really a Freemason"?.  When you examine everything written by John and those close to him as well as the Skene historians who would have had access to the Skene Charter Chest that was in the possession of his father - the answer is obvious - John Skene was not a Freemason.  Which begs the question as to why his name was found in the "Mark Book" of Aberdeen Lodge No. 1 of Aberdeen, Scotland.  Keep reading.


According to the following page from "History of Freemasonry in New Jersey" published to commemorate the two hundredith anniversary of Freemasonry in the State of New Jersey the authors acknowledge that even though John Skene was a member of Aberdeen Lodge No. 1 of Aberdeen, Scotland there is no record that John Skene ever met with other Freemasons or did any Masonic work.


The second article published by David Stevenson, Professor of Scottish History at the University of St. Andrews states: 


"The '1670' Aberdeen Lodge membership list contains one further mystery:  several of those listed were Quakers.  How could members of a religious sect notorious for the refusal of its adherents to take oats and for its rejection of ceremonies be initiaged into a masonic lodge?  Two of them, John Forbes and John Skene, emigrated to New Jersey in the 1680s, thus becoming the first known freemasons in America.  Hw they recondiled freemasnry and their Quaker faith is among the masonic secrets they to the grave with them." 


Then again, John Skene may never have belonged to the order of Freemasonry in Scotland which would explain why John "Never" met with Freemasons or "Never" particpated in any Masonic work.


When doing research David Stevenson discovered that the Lodge John Skene supposedly belonged to was deceptive when it came to who really belonged to their lodge in 1670.  He wrote


"But obviously once this relatively modest bit of decption has been detected further doubts arise:  did Anderson go a stp further and perhaps invent a few name of members to to the glory of his lodge?"


Considering that William Forbes Skene didn't identify John Skene as a Freemason and that John Skene "Never" met with Freemasons or "Never" participated in any Masonic work here in America and that as a Quaker John could never have joined Freemasonry - then it seems obvious that Mr. Anderson who was know for his deception added John Skene's name to the list for "the glory of his lodge".


On page 11 of "The Aberdeen Mark Book An Introduction" David Stevenson wrote:


"Emerging only a few decades previously in England, the Quakers had little support in Scotland except in Aberdeen and the surrounding area.  Central to their beliefs ere the rejection of ritual, refusal to swear oaths, and unconventional behaviour and ways of dressing that were generally regarded as subversive of social convention and hierarchy.


In their disrespect for hierarchy and belief in the equal brotherhood of all, it is possible to see how Quakerism and freemasonry could seem to have had elements in common.  Nonetheless, how Quakers, rejecting oaths and ritual, could be initiated into masonry is deeply mysterious.  Equally mysterious is why the lodge was ready to admit Quakers.  The lodge sought to meet in secret, to keep low-key, and certainly should have wanted to avoid any suspicion it had any connection with sedition or heresy.  To admit Quakers seemed to invite such suspicion.  The town council of Aberdeen was active in persecuting Quakers.  When their meetings were detected, they were broken up and those present arrested.  When they attempted to establish a graveyard, their dead were exhumed.  Their flaunting of how they differed from others - by dressing in sackcloth or attending church wearing hats - enraged the authorities."


However, for the sake of an argument:  Keep in mind there are many members of Freemasonry who leave the order when they realize what Freemasonry is all about.  Or in the case of John Skene "IF" he had been a member of Freemasonry John would have left the order of Freemasonry after converting to Quakerism just as he left the man-made rituals of the Presbyterian Church for which he was imprisoned. 


John left Scotland to help establish a Quaker Community where they could worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth without being persecuted. 


However- John was not the one who introduced the pagan practices of Freemasonry to America!


The three above articles have been scanned in and are as follows:



It is significant that there is no record that John met with or  did any Masonic work. 


And, it's significant that William Forbes Skene – the Historian of Historians when it comes to the Skene families, found no record of John Skeen being a Freemason in the Charter Chest of Alexander Skene.  Nor are their records of John being a Freemason among the records of any historians outside Aberdeen Lodge No. 1 who was known to falsify their membership list!



In the highlighted paragraphs above, the author mentions the deception they found.


Did they add John Skene's name to add to the glory of their lodge?


Yes!  I think they did.


The author also comments that John Skene's membership in Freemasonry is a mystery. 



It's not really a mystery - the answer is in the evidence.  I doubt that John was even aware that his name had been added to the Lodge's roster.




The author acknowledges that Quakers rejected oaths and rituals - so how could they have been initiated into masonry.  Well - the answer is they couldn't!





Just additional information about John from the same article:


No doubt that both Alexander and John were thorns in the flesh of Aberdeen's authorities!



The following pages from "Diary of Alexander Jaffray" are most insightful as to John Skene's character.



At the threat of being killed - Alexander's son John left Scotland taking the Gospel to what is now known as New Jersey helped establish a Quaker commuity.


William Penn was a personal friend of Alexander, Lillias and John Skene.  It was William Penn who recommended John Skene as Governor of West New Jersey.



John Skene is remembered as a man who had suffered much for his religion in Scotland and a man who had distinguished himself for its cause.







Note Psalm 92:12-14  The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree,


John quotes the Scripture that the Lord will honor those that honor him.  Spoken over 300 years ago - and in the section on my beloved brother Grover who died in a coal mining explosion you will find that God honored Grover in the most amazing way.



My beloved Grover was a reflection of our Scottish Forebear. 










The account of said debate, which can be read in full online, was written down by Alexander, his son John, Thomas Mercer and John Cowie and published in 1675.


The following excerpt is from their opening statement: 


A True and Faithful ACCOMPT OF The most material Passages of a Dispute betwixt

some Students of Divinity (so called) of the University of Aberdene, and the People called Qnakers; held in Aberdene in Scotland, in Alexander Harper his Close (or Yard)

before some hundreds of Witnesses, upon the fourteenth day of the second Month

called April, 1675. There being

They wrote:


Friendly Readers,


For as much as our opposers threatned they would Print an accompt of the debate, and boasted of a victory, we thought it our concernment for the Truths sake, and to undeceive these that may be abused by such reports, to give this true and faithful accompt of what past: which we are confident all the impartial and attentive Auditors, will affirm to be a true accompt; neither is there any one Argument omitted that we can remember of, or any thing added. There were many things spoken extrinsick from the matter; and somtimes confusedly two or three of our opposers speaking often at once, and also some others Page 4 that were not concerned, as particularly, one Brown the Bishops Chaplain, who though he refused to Subscribe the Articles, and so was excluded from speaking, did often most impertinently interupt, and intrude himself. But these being only transcient; and no Arguments insisted on; we have not inserted them, studdying to keep to the matter: and we do faithfully declare that we have herein dealt impartially according to our memory, as we hope such serious Auditors as may read this will acknowledge. So leaving you to the perusal hereof, we rest,


Your Souls well-wishers,


  • Alexander Skein.
  • Iohn Skein.
  • Thomas Mercer.
  • Iohn Cowie.


End of Excerpt.


John Skene (Skein) who along with his father wrote the opening statement of A True and Faithful ACCOMPT OF The most material Passages of a Dispute betwixt some Students of Divinity (so called) of the University of Aberdene, and the People called Qnakers; held in Aberdene in Scotland, in Alexander Harper his Close (or Yard) before some hundreds of Witnesses, upon the fourteenth day of the second Month called April, 1675"



Whose Son are you Young Man?


Whose Son are you Young Man?


After David killed Goliath King Saul asked him whose son was he.


And, I want to close this chapter of the account of John Skene (Skein) by saying that John was truly a reflection of his father Alexander Skene (Skein) and that my Beloved brother Grover Skeens was a reflection of both Alexander and John Skene.  See section concerning Grover Skeens.


Scripture refers to Jesus Christ as the son of David.  But, Scripture also reveals that the blessing of the Messiah came from the "Stump of Jesse" - David's father. 


Romans 15:12 12 And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust. (KJV)


According to Scripture, Jesus' lineage originates with Jesse, the father of King David.  So, given the revelation that the blessing of the Messiah came from the "Stump of Jesse" we should not be surprised that when David killed Goliath - King Saul honored David's father.


1 Samuel 17:55-58 55 As Saul watched David go out to fight the Philistine, he asked Abner, the commander of his army, “Abner, whose son is this young man?” “I really don’t know,” Abner declared. 56 “Well, find out who he is!” the king told him. 57 As soon as David returned from killing Goliath, Abner brought him to Saul with the Philistine’s head still in his hand. 58 Tell me about your father, young man,” Saul said. And David replied, “His name is Jesse, and we live in Bethlehem.”


King Saul understood that David's bravery and courage was a reflection of his father.


And, so it is with some of  the descendants of the first Skene "John de Skene" whose name was changed from Robertson to Skene.  He is the root and we are a branch that has sprung out of that root.  And in some way the spiritual offspring will be a reflection of John de Skene.  And, I know for a fact, that my spiritual identity as well as my beloved brother Grover is linked to the spiritual identity of John de Skene the root and the Patriarch of the House of Skene. 


Just as the Lord used the Progenitor of the House of Skene for His Kingdom purposes - God has and will continue to use many of his descendants, like Alexander and John, who picked up the "Sword of the Spirit" which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17) to save many of God's people from the ravenous wolves - the false prophets that had crept into the Church teaching erroneous lies that Matthew 7:15 and 10:16 warns us of. 


When God Changes Someone's Name


The name change to "Skene" meant a new identity and a new mission in the life of my first forebear.  When the name of the young son of Robertson's of Sturan was changed to "Skene" his identity and destiny was forever changed. 


The new name "Skene" was an indication of how God was going to use this young man and many of his descendants for His Kingdom purposes throughout the generations to come.


This Skene Dirk was symbolic of the "Sword of the Spirit" which is the "Word of God" (Ephesians 6:17) that his descendants would use to confront the "wolves" in sheep's clothing that had crept into the Church.


However, and I say this with sadness, not all of John de Skene's descendants will pick up the "Sword of the Spirit" to confront the ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing.  In fact, history reveals that many of his descendants were among the ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing that were among those who imprisoned our Scottish forebears Alexander and John.  


The Prophet Isaiah used the imagery of a tree to explain the lineage of Jesus. 


The "Spiritual Branch" of the "Spiritual Family Tree" of Jesus:  The prophet Isaiah used the imagery of a tree to illustrate Jesus' lineage. 


Isaiah 11:2 And there shall come forth a Shoot out of the stock of Jesse [David’s father], and a Branch out of his roots shall grow and bear fruit.  ………..   10 And it shall be in that day that the Root of Jesse shall stand as a signal for the peoples; of Him shall the nations inquire and seek knowledge, and His dwelling shall be glory [His rest glorious]!  (AMPC)


They key word is "A Branch" - not all the branches.  Using the imagery of a "Family Tree" - Jesse's family tree would have eight braches - a branch for each of his eight sons.  (1 Samuel 16:10-11)  When the Prophet Isaiah referred to "A Branch" it means that Jesus lineage was from only "one" branch of the tree and that Branch was David's Branch.    


And, it is the imagery of the "Spiritual Family Tree" of Jesus that the Prophet Isaiah spoke of in Isaiah 11 that will help us to understand that those Skene's who will wield the "Sword of the Spirit" will come through "A Branch" of the Skene Family Tree that took root in the late 1000's.  The anointing will not come from all the Branches.


C02-Family Tree.jpg

Only "A "Branch" from the root of John de Skene that will bear fruit for the Lord.  Only one Branch of John de Skene's descendants will pick up the "Sword of the Spirit.


There is a "Spiritual Aspect" to the Genealogy of the Skene Family

and it is for that reason that we as their Spiritual Offspring need to Guard the Testimonies of

Alexander, Lillias, John

and those like Grover my Beloved brother who was a reflection of Alexander and John


All too often history only gives us a glimpse of who someone is and the rest is known to God alone.  But in the case of Alexander, Lilias and John history gives us much more than a glimpse. 


Each and every book that was either written by them or about them includes details of the "Spiritual Lives" of Alexander, Lilias and John Skene. 


The following three pages are from the "Memorials of the Family of Skene of Skene" by William Forbes Skene and he gives an account of the relationship between Alexander and John Skene.






XII - Grover Skeens


Before leaving the chapter dedicated to the life of John Skene I want to give the following 12 page introduction into the life of his descendant Grover Skeens who is a reflection of both Alexander and John Skene.  Over 300 years ago just as John Skene told his captors "for God hath said in the Scriptures, He will honour them that honour Him" - the Lord honored Grover because Grover was a man who like his Scottish forebears honored the Lord.  And, God honored Grover  in a most remarkable way.  Chapter 12 is dedicated to the memory of Grover Skeens and follows the 12 page introduction. 


An Introduction into the life of Grover Skeens


The Importance of Family


According to Scripture the Family Unit is the first Divine Institution that God established which means that the "spiritual" importance of the Family, including the Skene household cannot be emphasized enough.  The family unit was the first Social Order as well as the first Spiritual Order established by the LORD.  The idea of a family unit was not just happenstance; it was established by the Lord for His higher purposes at the beginning of time, when He created Adam and Eve.  This fact was confirmed by Jesus, Himself, who said:   


But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’  ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.  Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.  Mark 10:6-9 NKJ


Chapter 5 of Genesis is devoted to the family history of the first man and reveals the importance of the family unit as a whole according to the unfolding of God's plan.  Genesis not only records the family history of the ten people named as Adam's immediate descendants, it also includes how long each lived. 


For instance, verse 24 reveals a most interesting fact about one of Adam's offspring - Enoch.  Due to Enoch's relationship with God, he never saw death; rather, he was translated directly to heaven.  Then, there is the account of Methuselah, a man who lived for 969 years; the longest of any man.  Next, in verse 29, we find that Noah's father prophesied that Noah would be a blessing to mankind.  Even the name Noah, meaning “to rest; be quiet,” reflects his father's prophesy.  Chapter 5 ends with the mention of Noah's three sons.  This particular genealogy records the succession from Adam through Seth to Moses.  On the other hand, it seems that it was unnecessary to include Cain and Able or the other sons and daughters that were not a contributing factor in that succession.  Interestingly, it was through Moses that the Lord gave the Ten Commandments for all of mankind to live by and three of the ten commandments speak of the family unit.


The Family Unit is Important to the Lord.  Anyone who has read the Bible knows that many other chapters have been devoted to genealogy.  For example, Matthew 1:1-17 gives the account of the genealogy of Jesus Christ all the way back to Abraham.  We know from Scripture that God spoke many times to people about their offspring even before they were born.  For example, God told Abraham that He was going to bless him and his descendants; descendants that he would never meet (Genesis 22:17-18).  Such Scriptures reveal that the Lord placed an emphasis on one's forefathers and offspring as much as he did the individual. 


It's obvious that there were certain facts the LORD chose to have recorded about the individuals lives which would provide insight about their future descendants.  So it is with the Skeens family.  And, for the purposes of this Chapter I want to leave a record of all the things concerning Grover's life that that provide insight into Grover's walk with the Lord that only the Lord could have brought about before and after his death. 


Needless to say, one's Family History is "Spiritually" important and just as the Lord had a purpose for the spiritual offspring of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the Lord has a Purpose for the Spiritual Offspring of Christian households including the Skene Household. 


Which brings me to my beloved brother Grover who is a reflection of his Scottish forebears and whose life is highlighted in Chapter 12.  Before going to Chapter 12 I want to share one of those events where Grover's life was highlighted in a way that only the Lord could have orchestrated.  The following excerpts are of a quote by John Skene as recorded in the "Diary of Alexander Jaffray" (pages 346 - 347).   John quotes the Scripture that the Lord will honor those that honor Him.  How Prophetic because over 300 years later after John wrote those words from prison - the Lord honored John Skene's descendant, my beloved brother Grover in a way that only the Lord could have orchestrated. 



C11-Jaffray p346-347.jpg


My beloved Brother Grover was a reflection of our Scottish Forebears.  The following two pages are from the Facebook Page that I created in memory of Grover and the Post "The Day of Grover's Death" explains how the Lord honored Grover.  How Prophetic that over 300 years later after John wrote those words from prison - the Lord honored John Skene's descendant, my beloved brother Grover in a way that only the Lord could have orchestrated.  In addition to the following Post "The Day of Grover's Death" Chapter 13 includes all the articles that I posted on the Facebook Page dedicated to the memory of Grover.
















See the following page for the full text of "The Day of Grover's Death".


See Chapter 13 for all the other Posts, pictures, etc from the Face Book Page created in honor of Grover's memory.


You will find that "August 18" as reflected on Grover's Tombstone as the day Grover was born is key to the importance of the following Post "The Day of Grover's Death".  The Post is from the Face Book Page created in memory of Grover Skeens and is as follows:  


C11-Grovers Tombstone.jpg


The Day of Grover’s Death



On the day of Grover's death when it pleased the Lord our God to bring Grover to the sweet harbor of His everlasting rest, a long-tossed vessel upon the waves of many afflictions, Grover exchanged the sorrows of time for the joys of eternity.


Scripture Reveals that the Day of Grover's Death was Better than the Day Grover was born because of his Good Name and Reputation - Pause and think about that!


Ecclesiastes 7:1 1 A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born. (NLT)

Pause and think about that!


"For the Sake of Coal Miners" is more than just a series of television commercials paid for by Don Blankenship. The series of commercials really are for the sake of all coal miners because if the truth about the coal mine explosion that Grover died in is not brought to light then another coal mine explosion similar to the one Grover died in may very likely occur.


"For the Sake of Coal Miners" calls attention to the need for improved safety measures. And, the commercials point out that untruths and politics have no role in improving mine safety.


I'm thankful for the opportunity that Don Blankenship gave me to take part in his efforts to expose the truth of what happened at UBB "For the Sake of Coal Miners". And, I am very thankful for the opportunity that the Lord gave me to be there for Don Blankenship and support him in his efforts.


Having said that - MSHA needs to do what is right in the eyes of man as well as the eyes of God. To avoid even the appearance of hiding the truth MSHA should release the gas analysis and say whether or not they required Massey to make changes to their ventilation. They need to be honest and tell the truth.


2 Corinthians 8:21 21 For we take thought beforehand and aim to be honest and absolutely above suspicion, not only in the sight of the Lord but also in the sight of men. (Amplified)


MSHA needs to take the Plank out of their Eye: How can MSHA say to a Coal Operator take the speck out of their eye when all the time there is a plank in MSHA's eye. Because if the Government and MSHA does not take the plank out of their own eyes and amend their own faults they will not be able to see things as they really are regarding the safety of our coal miners.


Matthew 7 4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.


MSHA is like those that the Apostle John spoke about in John 3:19-20 who won't come into the light because they are afraid of being exposed. And, because they are afraid of being exposed MSHA will do everything they can to avoid releasing the gas analysis and admit that they required Massey Energy to make changes to their ventilation system at UBB.


John 3:19-21 19 “This, then, is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who practices wicked things hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. 21 But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God.” (HCSB)


For those like MSHA who hate the light - darkness is a place where they hope they can hide from the truth. They love the darkness because it is the only place where they can hope to hold on to the good opinion they have of themselves - one of self-importance. And, there opinion of themselves is that in the eyes of man they are good men and women who are blameless and above reproach.


However, MSHA should be more concerned with God's opinion of them. For Scriptures like Ecclesiastes 7:1 reveals that the day of one's death is better than the day of one's birth only "IF" he dies with a good name and reputation in the eyes of the Lord. How God sees a man is what counts - all else is vanity.


Ecclesiastes 7:1 1 A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born. (NLT)


Grover's Good Name: And, that brings me to Grover. Was the day of Grover's death better than the day of his birth?


Just as the author of Ecclesiastes 7:1 speaks of a man's good name, in the ad I too spoke of Grover's good name. I referred to Grover as a good miner who would never have done anything that put other miners at risk.


But, does the Lord see Grover as I see him? In the eyes of the Lord was the day of Grover's death better than the day of his birth?


And, just as the author of Ecclesiastes 7:1 speaks of the day a man dies, in the ad I too spoke of the day Grover died. In the ad I explained that my brother Grover was killed in the 2010 Upper Big Branch coal mine explosion in West Virginia. But, unlike the author of Ecclesiastes, I didn't mention the day of Grover's birth in the ad. And, it wasn't until after Don posted the video on August 18 that I told him August 18 was Grover's birthday.


So, given that Hebrews 2:4 reveals that the Lord will confirm what He tells us by giving us a sign - I asked the Lord for a sign.


Hebrews 2:4 4 At the same time, God also testified by signs and wonders, various miracles, and distributions of gifts from the Holy Spirit according to His will. (HCSB)


And, as a sign to me, that He saw Grover as I did, the Lord gave me the understanding that He would ensure that Don would release the ad on August 18 - the same day Grover was born on. And, even though Don Blankenship was not aware that August 18 was the day Grover was born on 65 years ago - just as the Lord told me - Don uploaded the ad to his website on that very day

Video Upload Date of August 18, 2017




And, this was my sign from the Lord that Grover really was a good coal miner who would not have done anything that would have put his life or the lives of other coal miners at risk.


Grover's good name and reputation meant everything to him. And, anyone who knew Grover, understood that what was really important to Grover, was that he had a good reputation in the eyes of the Lord. And, needless to say, the Lord has confirmed to us all that in the eyes of the Lord - Grover was a good man. A man who loved the Lord with all his heart, his soul, his mind and his strength.


I will always miss Grover, however I can take solace in the fact that the day of Grover's death was far better than the day of his birth. And, I am eternally grateful for what the Lord has done for me and for Grover's memory.


There were 29 coal miners who died that day and each of us has our own story.


But, because some of the families told the media that their loved one did violate safety measures many people came to the "wrong conclusion" that all the coal miners who worked at UBB including those who weren't working that day as well as those that died in the explosion - that they were all guilty of safety violations - and that the explosion was due to the coal miners because they violated safety laws that put themselves at risk.


Many of the coal miners still feel pain at the loss of the 29 coal miners they worked with and they don't need the extra burden of people believing that they violated safety laws that endangered the lives of the 29 coal miners that died in the explosion at UBB - because they didn't.


The idea that King Solomon, the author of Ecclesiastes 7:1 wanted to convey was that if a man's life is such that he leaves a good name behind him, then the day of his death is far better than that of his birth. And, I am so thankful that Grover's character was such that I am able to say that my brother would never done anything that would have put his life, the life of her brother, or the life of anyone that worked at UBB in danger.


The Lord will Honor those who Honor Him: Psalm 15 reveals that we are to honor the man, like Grover, that honors the Lord.


And, I'm thankful that the Lord has given me so many opportunities to publicly honor Grover, to tell others that Grover was a good coal miner, whose reputation was more valuable than costly perfume. And, that the day he died in the UBB explosion was better than the day he was born.


But more importantly, I am so thankful that I have been able to honor Grover's memory by telling so many people that Grover was a man after God's own heart.


Psalm 15:1-5 1 LORD, who can dwell in Your tent? Who can live on Your holy mountain? 2 The one who lives honestly, practices righteousness, and acknowledges the truth in his heart— 3 who does not slander with his tongue, who does not harm his friend or discredit his neighbor, 4 who despises the one rejected by the LORD but honors those who fear the LORD, who keeps his word whatever the cost, 5 who does not lend his money at interest or take a bribe against the innocent— the one who does these things will never be moved. (HCSB)


Psalm 147:11 and 1 Samuel 2:30 reveals that the Lord takes pleasure in those like Grover who honor Him and that the Lord will honor those like Grover that honor Him. And, I am eternally grateful that the Lord has and continues to honor Grover because Grover so honored Him.


Psalm 147:11 but He takes pleasure in those who honor Him, in those who trust in His constant love.


1 Samuel 2:30 30 Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before Me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be it far from Me; for them that honour Me I will honour, and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed. (KJV)


On the day of Grover's death when it pleased the Lord our God to bring Grover to the sweet harbor of His everlasting rest, a long-tossed vessel upon the waves of many afflictions, Grover exchanged the sorrows of time for the joys of eternity.



Miner's Memorial Statue, Capitol Grounds, Charleston, WV



The picture on this page as well as the picture from the previous page were both taken in front of the Miner's Memorial Statue located on the Capitol Grounds of  Charleston, WV and is another example of the Lord giving me the opportunity to honor the man that honored Him.  This particular video was shown on the television in West Virginia and several other states many times over.




There is such a resemblance between Dr. William Forbes Skene and Grover Skeens that on the  following page I placed a picture of Grover alongside a picture of William Forbes Skene who died in 1892. 


Because of his many contributions to Scotland as well as the Skene family Dr. Skene is mentioned throughout this Book.  As a reminder, as recorded in Volume 52 of the "Dictionary of National Biography" William Forbes Skene was a Scottish Historian, Archaeologist, Author and Celtic Scholar as well as "Her Majesty's Historiographer for Scotland". 


And, it was the request of the "New Spalding Club" that Dr. Skene wrote the Memorials of the Family of Skene of Skene that was published in 1887.  And, as author of the "Memorials of the Family of Skene of Skene" Dr. Skene acknowledges the importance of both Alexander and John Skene's contributions to Aberdeen, Scotland. 


When you compare the pictures of Grover to that of William Forbes Skene the resemblance is undeniable.  Knowing that Grover had never seen a picture of Dr. Skene on one occasion I took a picture of William Forbes Skene and placed it on my desk just to see Grover's reaction.  When Grover saw the picture, before he realized it wasn't a picture of him Grover asked me where I got that picture of him.


When my father had a full beard he looked more like William Forbes Skene than Grover did -  so I have a fairly good idea of what Alexander and John may have looked like. 



Dr. William Forbes Skene:  1809 - 1892





Grover Skeens:  1952 - 2010



This was the last picture taken of Grover before he died







Grover as a young man
















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